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Old 10-01-2008, 09:09 PM   #1
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Icon9 What Kind Of Friend Are You?

Đây là một bài trắc nghiệm bằng tiếng Anh.
Hi vọng nó sẽ giúp mọi người nâng cao khả năng đọc hiểu và khám phá về chính bản thân mình
Mọi người chọn câu trả lời, cộng điểm rồi cho clover biết nhen
Nào, chúng ta bắt đầu:

1. You meet someone new and have fun together. They give you their phone number. What do you do?
a. Forget to phone them
b. Phone them in a few days, or in a week or two
c. Phone them the next day and say you had fun

2. It is fun to be with a lot of people. Do you agree?
a. Usually
b. Sometimes
c. Not usually

3. You meet some new people at a party and you like them a lot. How easy is it to speak to them?
a. Very easy
b. Easy
c. a bit difficult

4. When you get on a train alone, what do you do?
A. Put your bag on the seat so people will not sit next to you
b. Move your bag so people can sit down
c. Talk to the other people

5. The teacher wants someone to stand up and speak to the class. You think she is going to ask you. How do you usually feel?
a. Fantastic!
b. Ok. No problem
c. Hope she asks another student

6. Your friends ask you to come to dinner at their house. You find something really interesting on TV and want to watch the end. What do you do?
a. Arrive late and say sorry
b. Telephone them and say you will be half an hour late
c. Miss the end of the programme and arrive on time

7. How often do you give money to poor people?
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Never

8. Someone you know always tries to speak to you, but you don’t like them. You see them in the shopping centre. What do you usually do?
a. Go into a shop so they will not see you
b. Say hello as you walk pass them
c. Stop and talk for a few minutes

9. If you say that you will do something for a friend, do you do it?
a. Often
b. Usually
c. Always

10. You are out with a friend 10 km from home. Your friend loses their money for the bus. You only have enough money for you. What do you do?
a. Give them half of your money and both walk 5km
b. Give them half of your money, but ask for it the next day.
c. Go home on the bus alone.

11. someone tell you a secrect. Do you tell anyone about it?
a. If it is interesting, you tell other people
b. Only your best friend
c. You don’t tell anyone

12. You and your friend buy two ice – creams in a café. But one ice cream is very small. What do you do?
a. Give your friend the big ice-cream
b. Hope your friend takes the small ice cream
c. Take the big ice – cream.

For every a, score 1; for every b, score 5; for every c, score10

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