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Tô Lan Phương 14-07-2010 06:22 PM

Miss him again:((
Is it very bad when I can't take care of myself, honey? I dont like to eat as well as do any thing without you. I just wanna stay here and wait for the time past. It's really difficult to forget u, honey.
You will never know how important u r in my life.
I always think of the good time we were together. I miss ur smile, ur voice and ur eyes. I miss the way u look at me...I really miss u honey!
without u, a day's seem like a centery...:(

TTKK 14-07-2010 07:04 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
The question for students compete "The way to Olympia's top": Who?

TTKK 14-07-2010 07:05 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
TTKK: a cat!

Tô Lan Phương 14-07-2010 07:31 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
not a cat. he is a lovely monkey:P

TTKK 14-07-2010 07:47 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
Has he usually climbed tree or swung wire?

DeMen 14-07-2010 07:57 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
wow, a monkey :D

Tô Lan Phương 15-07-2010 12:40 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi DeMen (Post 74411)
wow, a monkey :D

not the monkey in our zoo any more.

Tô Lan Phương 15-07-2010 12:43 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi TTKK (Post 74410)
Has he usually climbed tree or swung wire?

never...he just looked at my eyes and said: u r so lovely, my dear.

DeMen 15-07-2010 08:21 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi Tô Lan Phương (Post 74423)
not the monkey in our zoo any more.

ye, sure, i do not mean that monkey :tounge_smile:

tranduyluan_lqd 15-07-2010 01:19 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
a cat?why?

Lai Quoc Dat 15-07-2010 01:34 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi Tô Lan Phương (Post 74424)
never...he just looked at my eyes and said: u r so lovely, my dear.

What a coincidence! I has just read a book on the language of animals! Would you like to know the meaning of "monkey's" performance? Ack ack....

Tô Lan Phương 15-07-2010 10:58 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi Lai Quoc Dat (Post 74456)
What a coincidence! I has just read a book on the language of animals! Would you like to know the meaning of "monkey's" performance? Ack ack....

great! so can u guide me how to know if the money love me?

Tô Lan Phương 15-07-2010 11:41 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
One more day passes, that means I haven't seen u for 86400 seconds, honey. Your pic is always in my mind...
I wonder if u r thinking about me...

Tô Lan Phương 27-07-2010 01:17 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
Today I am so fine after a long and deep sleep. I have an emotion to write a love story. I share to everybody and hope you almost like it.
part 1.

Once upon a time, in far far away there is a small island where the peole are almost the farmers. They plant the rices, flowers and feed the animals to live. The peaceful life passes everyday. In that remote area, a little princess was born in 1985. She was so lovely with a big smile:). Everybody likes her so much. She grew up under the full of love from her family and her relatives.

Day by day, she became a blossom girl. Many boys in this village followed her but she didn't pay any attentions to them. She tried to study hard to attend one of the best highschool in her town. Her parents prouded of her so much. She was so optimistic and aways looked life under the pink eyes. She usually walked on the dyke along the river in front of her house to observe the sun set and dream of her prince. Her grandmother said that he would come to pick her up to the beautiful palace if she was a good girl. She asked "how a good one is". Her grandmom answered " she is goodlooking, lovely, smart, forgiveful, nice, tender, clever, gracious etc". She thought "oh, my god, I couldn't be a good girl with all characteristics."
-"so how is my prince?"
-"he is a good man"
-"how a good man is?"
-"he is handsome, inteligent, strong, polite ect and love you"
-"ok. so it seems more easy to be a good man than a good girl"
Her grandmom gave her a sweet smile..."maybe"
It took her for along time to try to be a good girl with all conditions which her grandmom said. She gave up. What will be will be.

She had to leave her countryside to study in a HCMC. It was really hard for a little girl like her live alone in a big city. She felt sad, lonely and bored so much. She really needed some one who could share feeling with her. However there was noone. Although many men woo her, she couldn't find a right one. She wondered that where was her half. Did he know she was waiting for him...

One day, when she was playing in the 23 September Park. She saw a big hole in the old tree. She was very curious to find out what it was. Suddently, she dropped in the deep cave once she touched on its edge. When she woke up she saw a handsome boy coming to pick her up. He was so gentle. She thought "wow my right man's already here" She tried to be a right girl with him. She became too shy to say anything. She just followed him, listened to him and looked at him. He took her to his house. His world distinguished from hers so much. He couldn't understand her languague. He pointed himself and said Greg. She did the same thing and said Jolie. He lived in the house-tree. He didn't eat rice...He stayed alone, his friend was Kobe a kind of pet - a 1/3 cat, 1/3 wolf, 1/3 bird. It had a wild face with 2 scared camine-teeth. It could fly with the feather wings. and it loved to be fondled as a cat. Kobe was just a babe pet now. It was so lovely. Greg took her around the wonderful land, everything was strange. She felt happy so much, but she could neither eat nor drink anything. She was short of energy now. The night was too cold for Jolie to sleep. Greg let her lie under the blandket in his fire body, it was so warm for her. But she was still very hungry. The more she lived in the new place, the more exhausted she was. There weren't enough air, food and water for her life. Greg knew that. At the early morning, Greg brought her to an ancient dry well. Greg put a pearl into her hand. He kissed and hold her tightly for a while before dropping her into that well.

A passenger awoke her. Actually, she fell in sleep next to the tree. But there was a real flicker pearl in her hand. She knew that was the truth. She tried to find some hole in this tree but she saw nothing. She came home...and she missed him so much.

Lai Quoc Dat 27-07-2010 07:57 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
An interesting story, especially the character emotion. Please publish Part 2.

Tô Lan Phương 27-07-2010 11:12 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi Lai Quoc Dat (Post 74909)
An interesting story, especially the character emotion. Please publish Part 2.

hehe Thank you so much. I will do whatever you like:embaressed_smile: The part 2 is coming soon.
ps: today I have an interesting sentense
Never ignore some body who really care for you...
Because some day you may realize that lost a DIAMOND while you were busy in collecting STONE.

Tô Lan Phương 31-07-2010 11:13 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
It was cloudy day. Each cold wind blew through her hair. She had been sitting at the balcony looking at the beautiful garden for a while. Some tender statues were adorning themselves to wait for their right half. They had been there for a long time but nobody came and picked them up to the paradise. But they still stood there, still waited for…They didn’t give up or they had no choice? She wondered whether they would be here if they could run out. Where was the sun who she hated the most? He always liked to burn her sensitive skin. There was no flicker light from the swimming pool any more. Now the grey color was controlling this area. Didn’t pay any attentions to the sadness of the statues some flowers quivered shyly in the wind’s flirtation. They were so happy.

She took a deep breath and made a mile. It was going to rain. It was very quiet but not peaceful. She had been stretching herself too much. She stood up and got out of the glass door. It was not as lovely as its look. It was too noisy, too hot and too dusty outside. She walked around. However nothing was changed, she was till bored. She put hand in her pocket to get a pearl out – his pearl. The pearl was still a real one but he isn’t. He had just been in her dream. She hadn’t met him for 15 days. Everything was normal, just her feeling was disorder. She was like a crazy girl. No one believed what she said. They thought her story was just a dream. But she herself knew that it was not a dream. He was real somewhere and she wanted to find him.

She was here in the real life. Although she was too exhausted after 12 hours working, she couldn’t forget him – her illusive prince. It was raining. Her face was hit by a thousand of raindrops. It was really hurt likes a thousand of needles inject into her skin. She was goose-flesh with the violent wind. The sky was not silent any more. It thundered with a lot of lightning now. It was darker and darker. The night was coming up. She stayed there without moving. She looked at the pearl and wondered if he would appear again. No answer was her hatred. She felt too cold now. Moreover, she can see her heart is freezing. Her memory of the cold night in his arms in the wonderful land came back clearly. She was choked by tear. She wished that she would be with him now. She cried. Now she could know how the power of love was. Suddenly, the pearl shined up. There was a tiny rainbow around it. “What’s a beautiful sight” she said. This rainbow was bigger and bigger. There was a mirror in the middle of this circle. Actually it was not a mirror, it was a transparent glass. She could see him. He was playing with Kobe – it was mature at that time. It was so attractive with the wolf face and the brave wings. He was riding it. He looked at her. He was aware of her observing. He took out from his bag the same pearl and put it on the ground. He did sow it. He tried to tell her the pearl was not a solid it was a seed. She could understand that but she didn’t care about that. She wanted to be with him again. She really missed him. She did touch the green slowly. His picture was gone away immediately. She sounded at the pearl “noooooooooooooooooooo”

She gets up. She is in bed now. She was faint in the rain. Her friends are beside her. They are so worry about her status. She looks around, nothing happens. The doctor comes and says that she gets flu because she is short of energy and too stress with her work. He asks her stay in bed for few days in addition. She says nothing. She is seeking her magic seed. Fortunately, it’s here in her pocket. She can see it’s smiling to her. She feels so warm with its light.

Today she buys a pretty flower-pot which she’ll put the pearl in. She will put it next to the window where the sun shines every day. She’ll water and take care of it carefully. She hopes that it would burst soon. She believes in what her heart beats.

Lai Quoc Dat 03-08-2010 08:45 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
A good emotion with abundant imagination! Anyway, it is a well story!

Tô Lan Phương 05-08-2010 03:36 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
Part 3 broken dream.
Listening to music in the dark night under the soft blanket and next to the lovely doll. But she could not sleep. It seemed too peaceful. No sound, no voice, no moving, no light...Just she was lying alone with her head on the phone. Striving lull herself in a deep sleep but in vain. A thousand of oxes, donkeys, baffaloes she counted. Greg's picture still was in her mind, clearly and earnestly. The lyrics of the song was so piteous for her sensitive feeling to overcome this grief.([Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...])
She go up. It was too late. 3.29 am already. and now she is really sleepy, she intended to copy the story and continue to write it later but there is no copy funtion here:(
so she has to post a part of this first.

Tô Lan Phương 14-08-2010 11:23 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
part 3
broken dream

Listening to music in the dark night under the soft blanket and next to the lovely doll couldn’t make her be asleep. It seemed too quiet. No sound, no voice, no moving, no light...Just she was lying alone with her head on the phone. Striving lull herself in a deep sleep, but in vain. A thousand of bulls, donkeys, buffaloes she counted. Greg's picture still was in her mind, clearly and earnestly. The lyric was so piteous for her sensitive feeling to overcome this grief. [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

She got up. It was too late,3:29 am already. How lonely she was. Getting out of her bed got some new breaths. She leaned on the margin of the window looking at the mysterious dark outside. She could hear the leaves whispering, could saw the tender moonlight dancing on the yard. Every single gentle wind was cooling down her sorrow. She picked her love flower’s vase up. Although she observed it too carefully, she couldn’t see anything changed. She had been taking care of this for 3 months. Watering it every day. But nothing happened. She wondered if it was a real seed. Would it develop to a real tree? Was all imaginary things? The answer was silence. She was getting lost in these misty ideas. Suddenly a flash shone up. The pearl jumped up to the surface of the soil. It lighted. She was so happy. Because she knew that she could see him again. Magic was coming. As the last, a beautiful rainbow appeared, it was bigger and bigger. She was waiting for Greg’s picture enthusiastically and nervously.

He was over there clearly and lively. However she wasn’t happy. It was like a dagger in her heart when she saw him being with a pretty girl in a romantic place. They sat on the sunny beach under a tiny hut. They were so happy on the white sand and blue sea. Wave after wave washed the shore flirtatiously. Kobe was satisfied with that girl’s folding. He made a bowl of inserts and a glass of resin for her. They had a delicious meal. He didn’t know about her watching or he didn’t care about her feeling. He seemed very comfortable with his life, no sadness, no missing, no trace, nothing about her. She tried to calm down, tried to keep watching at the screen. He lifted that girl to Kobe’s back with him gently. Kobe started to fly up and hover over some beautiful caves. That girl was like an angle beside Greg. They were hand in hand and hypnotized each other so well. How happy they were. How could she do now? She couldn’t stand for this anymore. She wrapped the pearl and threw it away. It crashed on the wall and rebound next to her. How crazy she was. Her fury seemed to redouble when it was still ok after her action. She hated it. She found a hammer and beat it in pieces. It was broken now. No flicker more. She could see a real seed in this pearl. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t continue to smash it. She felt hurt so much. Her tears dropped down on this seed. It was moving. The seed is breaking in 2 parts. A lovely bud grew up. It was bursting. It was amazing.

She wiped her tear, picked it up, and put it in the vase carefully. She forgot all her misery now. She was attractive in the magic seed. A hope beamed up in her mind. Her love plant was blossoming. She could meet him again. She could touch him again. That was all she need. She wouldn’t like to think about the strange girl. She would to ignore everything. Just kept her beloved’s picture in her soul. Although she strove to delete all her doubts, she couldn’t fight against what was conflicting in her mind. How messy her thought was. There was a pile of hopeless questions such as who was that girl? How was their relationship? Did he love her? She was worn out and exhausted with fatigue and long staying up over night. The sun rose. Morning came. Three leaves of this reflected the sunlight looked like making by diamond. These were as beautiful as her memories about Greg.

Tô Lan Phương 10-09-2010 02:24 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((


Can you feel me?
When I think about you
with every breath I take
Every minute
Don't matter what I do
My world is an empty place

Like I've been wanderin' the desert
for a thousand days ( oooh )
Don't know if it's a mirage,
but I always see your face, baby

I'm missing you so much
Cant help it, I'm in love
A day without is like a year without rain
I need you by my side,
Don't know how I'll survive,
But a day without you is like a year without rain (oooh)


The stars are burnin'
I hear your voice in my mind ( in my mind )
Can't you hear me calling?
My heart is yearning like the ocean that's running dry
Catch me; I'm falling

It's like the ground is crumblin' underneath my feet, (Won't you save me),
It's gonna be on the sooner you get back to me
Oh baby

I missing you so much
Cant help it, I'm in love
A day without is like a year without rain
I need you by my side,
Don't know how I'll survive,
But a day without you is like a year without rain (oooh)


So let this drought come to an end
And make this desert flower again,
I'm so glad you found me, stick around me
Baby baby baby ( ooooohh )

It's a world of wonder
with you in my life
So hurry baby
Don't waste no more time
I need you nearer,
can't explain, but a day without you
Is like a year without rain (oooh)

I missing you so much
Cant help it, I'm in love
A day without is like a year without rain.
I need you by my side,
Don't know how I'll survive
But a day without you is like a year without rain (oooh)

Oooooooooooh oooohhh (woooaaaahhh)

cobemongmo 10-09-2010 09:11 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
Dạo này em TLP có nhiều tâm sự quá ta? Hay tại ai đó hôm nay đi xa nhỉ??? Ai gây nên tội thì lên tiếng đi nha!:teeth_smile:

To P: nhờ thế mà chị có thể nghe thêm mấy bài hát hay. Phát huy tiếp đi em! ^^:regular_smile: Nhớ cuộc hẹn đi xem kịch đó nha! Tìm được xuất chiếu rồi báo cho chị biết dzới lâu lém rồi chưa đi xem kịch!:sad_smile:
{myhanh}Try my best to help cobemongmo:
TLP have recently had much confidence or the reason is someone who go far away today ??? Who has made her sad, pls admit now?
To P: So I have listened some beautiful songs. Pls go on!^^.
Remember your promise about going to theather! Select a schedule and send me. I haven't seen the play for ages!

Tô Lan Phương 10-09-2010 10:12 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((

Nguyên văn bởi cobemongmo (Post 76985)
Dạo này em TLP có nhiều tâm sự quá ta? Hay tại ai đó hôm nay đi xa nhỉ??? Ai gây nên tội thì lên tiếng đi nha!:teeth_smile:

To P: nhờ thế mà chị có thể nghe thêm mấy bài hát hay. Phát huy tiếp đi em! ^^:regular_smile: Nhớ cuộc hẹn đi xem kịch đó nha! Tìm được xuất chiếu rồi báo cho chị biết dzới lâu lém rồi chưa đi xem kịch!:sad_smile:

hihi yes. I will check the schedule and let u know. Maybe after 8pm30. It's too late around midnight when we come home.

Độc Cô Cầu Bại 10-09-2010 10:27 AM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
Only english and just english:cry_smile::cry_smile::cry_smile:

Tô Lan Phương 13-10-2010 07:05 PM

Ðề: Miss him again:((
wow I haven't written anything here for a long time.
although I miss him every single day and night.
I will try to make the Part 4. the fairy tale's coming. I hope you all like it.
The status in this forum is very stress recently. why dont we turn away to a romantic topic to ease the hot situation huh?

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